Bjork’s Flirting Again (Ektopic Beats Mix)

This one’s a version of Bjork’s You’ve Been Flirting Again that’s been under construction for far too long.

The geeky bit: Vocals are a monotonous chant from part of a live Icelandic version of the tune buy it’s just as I wanted them. What I like most about the track is the rhythm, which is taken care of by a number of samples that I got from a Michel Gondry (video & movie director) documentary a few years back. The samples were all of him playing a toy drum kit under bridges and on the side of roads etc. which is why there’s plenty of ambient noise along the way (of note is that he directed quite a few of Bjork’s tunes, tenuous link but there you go…I thought it was clever a couple of years back!). Bass is a sample of me playing along with a sub bass and there’s a home made pseudo-analogue sweeping sound that I created from some simple waveforms. Enjoy.

236 seconds (3.6 megs)

Stand Up Sit Down (Ektopic Beats Mix) 2005

It’s with both disappointment as well as excitement that I announce a new tune mixed by myself, under the moniker, Ektopic Beats. “So why the sad face Reevo?” Well, about a year ago I got involved in a project called “Hail To The Copyright Thief” which was going to be mash-up of Radiohead’s Hail To The Thief album. I was pretty excited about it for a long while but here we are, a year down the line, for reasons unknown to me, the project has finally been deemed dead and buried, which is a shame. I would have thought someone could have pulled it out of the bag but people have already posted their individual tracks onto GYBO, I’m convinced it would have been a fantastic collection of tunes.

Anyways, here’s my version of Stand Up Sit Down for you all to have a listen to. I’m so far removed from it now (historically and emotionally) that I can hardly remember what samples came from what tune and artist or anything else interesting to report about its creation. I guess I’m pretty happy with it although I recall it being a pig to mix as there’s so much going on at the end.

On a more positive not, I’ve been involved in another boot project that should hopefully be announced in the not to distant future. I’ll keep you informed. For people who have only started visiting Ektopia over the last year or so I should explain that I’ve been writing, recording and stealing samples on and off for a long while and you can check out my previous tunes here. Hope you find something you can tolerate or even enjoy!!!

348 seconds (8.0 meg)